Rejecting the Return to Normal

Like many of you, I have been living in a place of curiosity, concern, and confusion with what has been happening in the world. And yet, I have also been feeling hopeful, relaxed, and grateful for all the community I have in my world.

Conscious Brands
2 min readApr 27, 2020

As we physically distance (not socially,) and spend more time online, I have been feeling firsthand what it means to have zoom fatigue and wonder what people look like beyond the box around their face. With that, comes a bit of information overload and a need to go deeper into my contemplative practices.

One of the personal philosophies I have been incorporating in my values has been this idea of ‘asking for what you need and sharing what you know’ — This has been super valuable and has broken down so many walls to stories I had made up about the way things are.

So in that vain…


The Table Groups (Patrick Lencioni) Consultant and Practitioner Alliance (and his most recent podcast) — a great tool and check in for all.

The Pachamama Alliance hosted a conversation with Charles Eisenstein. This is 90-minutes that will warm your heart and expand your mind.


A group of other awesome folks and I have put together a 4-week web series called Emerging Resilience’ — This is a free webinar series designed to collectively look at “How will the Natural Foods Products Industry Grow Stronger as a Result of COVID-19?” This is a NO SPECTATOR event, it is participatory in design and function and started on April 22nd.

Please consider signing up and sharing through your networks to anyone who you think might find value. You can learn more and register HERE.


I know that there is a lot going on, but I feel that this is a time to be in service. I am happy to virtually sit-down with you or your team to be a sounding board or offer advise on anything you might be working on or feel stuck with.

Here is a link to my online calendar to book something.

Also, our CBI diagnostic tool is always available to check in with your team — give it a try if you are hoping to get more clear on your purpose and engage your team in the process.

Lastly, I would like to invite you to consider what a new normal can look like as we navigate these times of uncertainty. We have an opportunity to dream big, reflect, and observe. I know and appreciate that we all have our own individual experiences going through these times, and I trust that everyone you care about is having their needs met.

In Consciousness,
Rob E. Sinclair



Conscious Brands

Ensuring your Purpose is (on) Purpose™| Our Purpose is Harmony* (*a flourishing, responsive and regenerative society)